Sunday, May 11, 2014

Cost of Log Home Maintenance

At Colorado Log Home Finishing the most common question is 'what is the cost of log home maintenance?'

The cost of log home maintenance on your Colorado log home depends on what you desire for your log home and how you value the finishing of your log home cabin.  No one from the building department is going to come by and inspect your log home staining or log chinking, and your log home is not about to rot and blow away in the next year.  Letting the finish go on your log home for an extended period of time will cause damage to the finish and cause the finish and log stain to fail eventually leading to damaged logs on the log home.  Damage from the weather and sun in Colorado can begin in a very short amount of time if your stain is not maintained.

Many log homes in Colorado have not been maintained or at least re-coated with log home stain oil for a decade or more.  The cost of this type of log home maintenance exceeds a typical re-coat cost of $2 / sq ft and brings in aspects of log home restoration such as media blasting, pressure washing, sanding, or all 3 to get to a clean sound surface.  The cost of restoration on a log home is $10 / sq ft. and is about 5x more expensive than simple maintenance.  Log home maintenance, re-coating stain on logs, re-application of log chinking, and filling log checks / cracks on logs every 1 - 2 years is cheaper in the long run than letting it go to the log home restoration stage.  Log Home Finishing can strip old finish from your logs with media blasting or pressure washing for old stain stripping.

Log home maintenance is affordable if you can give Log Home Finishing a well maintained log home to work on.  If it has been 10 years or more since re-coating your stain expect that your project will be much more expensive for your log home maintenance.  We have done maintenance re-coat of stain for as cheap as $4000 for a 2000 sq ft log home in Colorado, and we have done maintenance projects on 2000 sq ft log homes for as much as $20,000.00 or more which we consider log home restoration vs. log maintenance.

High quality log home stain from Sashco and Permachink should be re-coated every few years.  The cost of re-coating these oil based and water based stains from the log home finish manufactures is going to be much more affordable that waiting until the restoration phase where it will be necessary to strip the old stain from the logs.  Once the log home finish has failed it can not be simply re-coated as the finish will not last and the log stain will fail in a short amount of time leaving the logs unprotected and in danger of UV damage and log rot.

Some things to consider for the cost of your log home maintenance project in Colorado.

  • Inspection of log home by a log home care professional
  • log home maintenance vs. log home restoration
  • cost of annual log home maintenance vs. letting it go

Contact Colorado Log Home Finishing to explore the cost of your log home restoration project.

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